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The Sealed Knot Member's Area

Current Members welcome, please click the login link here

You'll need the email address you registered with and your password to access this site for member information, guides and forms.

For current members who have not registered please contact the membership secretary via membershipsec@thesealedknot.org.uk providing your email address and membership number, a login will then be created for you.

Not a member of the Sealed Knot Yet?

To start your online membership or to gain access to the member's area please Join us now

Have you decided who you would like to join yet? How about the Royalist Army of King Charles or the Army of Parliament or maybe even our Scots/Irish Brigade. Click here to look at each army and then carry on by clicking 'Join Us' at the top right of the page.

We are constantly updating this website, if you have any ideas or feel you want to help out in anyway, please contact us webteam@thesealedknot.org.uk

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